Social and Emotional Development in Montessori Kindergartens Around the World

Montessori and Kindergarten schools around the world play a very important role in helping with the social and emotional development of toddlers who have taken the very first tentative steps in the world of formal education.

This is as true of international Montessori kindergartens in Malaysia as it is in any other part of the world. While it is important to find out all there is to find out about Montessori in Kuala Lumpur in terms of Montessori curriculum and Montessori Kindergarten fees, the most important thing to learn about is the ability of such a school to help with the social and emotional development of children that small.

How Montessori Kindergartens Can Help Children Develop Socially and Emotionally?

Montessori kindergartens play a crucial role in helping small children develop emotionally by making them undergo activities that help them understand the concepts of interaction and forging relationships. They can understand what it means to be well-mannered and graceful, as well as to conduct oneself socially. 

The children also need to be taught to manage their emotions and learn to be respectful of each other. They are also taught to make right and thoughtful choices. As children tend to take cues from the adults they are with and the environment, the right kind of examples must be set for them.

Montessori schools are also known to deploy a multi-age strategy that helps the little ones learn to manage their emotions. This involves younger students learning by observing and interacting with older students who are more accomplished in terms of their emotional intelligence.

The children’s social skills need to be developed alongside their emotional ones. They need to be taught to share and collaborate with their peers and also be acquainted with the nuances involved in making friends, resolving conflicts, and so on. Above all, they have to be taught that making a positive contribution to the community they belong to is very important indeed.

Children need to be made self-aware and encouraged to understand their emotions, personal strengths, and their sense of self. Doing so from an early age will impart the necessary sense of self-confidence in them. The teachers have to help the young ones learn self-management. They need to be able to manage their impulses, learn to manage stress, set goals for themselves, and go ahead and organise themselves to work towards achieving them.

The little ones also need to be made socially aware, and that requires them to understand that there are others in the community that they exist in that they have to be mindful of. This will enable them to develop empathy and the ability to accept the point of view of others.

Other than the above, the children need to work on developing their relationship skills by working on and honing their communication skills with the help of their teachers. This will help them understand the concepts of teamwork, collaboration, and conflict management, which are all vital life skills.

Above all, the children have to be made to understand that they need to learn the art of responsible decision-making. Teachers have to help their students learn to zero in on a problem and provide the best possible solution for it and then actually see for themselves how things panned out.


International Montessori kindergartens are extremely important in that they teach little children the very essence of living life as a socially evolved and well-brought-up individual. They help lay the very foundations of civilised behaviour expected of a well-educated person. The life skills taught at this stage in one’s life define a person for life. To that extent, this stage of education is as important as completing high school and college. 

It follows, therefore, that the choice of a Montessori kindergarten is among the most important decisions a parent will ever make for their child. Thankfully, there are a very large number of world-class Montessori Kindergartens to choose from in Malaysia. Putting one’s child into a world-class Montessori school provides the latter with just the right launchpad for their academic journey. 

The need for small children to learn to manage their emotions and become socially adept was something that was always very important but has become more so in today’s digital age with its whole universe of distractions. Children need to be helped to develop their character at a foundation stage, and where better to start than at a Montessori kindergarten?

Children who receive a fantastic Montessori education tend to go on to do much better in their school journey ahead than those who do not. It, therefore, makes eminent sense for parents to ensure that their children receive the best possible Montessori Kindergarten education. This enables them to have the best possible social and emotional development, giving them just the right start for their formal education.