How to Thread Pipes Using a Pipe Threading Machine

Threading pipes is a fundamental task in various industries, particularly in plumbing, heating, and electrical conduits, where secure pipe connections are essential. Using a pipe threading machine simplifies this process, providing precision and efficiency. This guide will walk you through the steps to effectively use a pipe threading machine, ensuring you achieve professional results.

Understanding Pipe Threading

Pipe threading involves creating spiral grooves on the end of a pipe, allowing for the attachment of connectors and fittings. The precision of the threading process is crucial as it ensures a tight, leak-proof seal between connected pipes. Pipe threading machines, whether manual or electric, are designed to provide clean and accurate threads.

Types of Pipe Threads

  • NPT (National Pipe Tapered): Common in North America, used for creating seals in pressure systems.
  • BSPT (British Standard Pipe Taper): Widely used in the UK, Europe, Asia, and Australia for joining pipes in fluid systems.

Choosing the Right Pipe Threading Machine

When selecting a pipe threading machine, consider the type of job, pipe material, and frequency of use. Electric threading machines are suitable for heavy-duty jobs and continuous operation. Key features to look for include:

  1. Thread size capability
  2. Build quality
  3. Safety features
  4. Portability

Electric threading machines for threading pipes offer various models designed to handle different pipe sizes and materials, ensuring adaptability for different project requirements.

Preparing to Thread Pipes

Before starting, ensure you have all necessary tools and safety equipment. Preparation is key to a successful threading operation.

Required Tools and Materials

  • Pipe threading machine
  • Pipe cutter
  • Reamer
  • Oil (for lubrication)
  • Safety glasses and gloves

Steps to Prepare

  1. Measure and cut the pipe to the required length using a pipe cutter.
  2. Ream the pipe to remove any burrs for a smooth surface.

Operating the Pipe Threading Machine

Setting up and using the pipe threading machine involves several critical steps:

  1. Secure the pipe in the machine’s grip.
  2. Select the appropriate die head for the thread type and size.
  3. Apply cutting oil to the pipe to reduce friction and heat.
  4. Start the machine and slowly guide the die head onto the pipe.

Ensuring the die head aligns correctly with the pipe is crucial to avoid cross-threading.

Common Threading Issues and Solutions

Even with precision tools, issues may arise during the threading process. Here are some common problems and how to address them:

  • Cross-threading: This occurs when threads are not aligned. Solution: Reset the die head and start again, ensuring proper alignment.
  • Thread galling: Caused by excessive friction. Solution: Increase lubrication and reduce threading speed.

Understanding these issues can significantly enhance the threading outcome and extend the lifespan of both the machine and pipe installations.

Maintenance and Safety Tips

Regular maintenance of your pipe threading machine is essential for optimal performance and safety. Key maintenance tasks include:

  1. Cleaning the machine after each use to prevent residue build-up.
  2. Checking and replacing worn-out parts such as die heads and cutting wheels.
  3. Lubricating moving parts to ensure smooth operation.

When operating a pipe threading machine, always adhere to safety protocols to prevent accidents. Wear protective gear and be mindful of the machine’s operation at all times.

Advantages of Professional Pipe Threading

Choosing to thread your pipes using a professional-grade machine, whether owned or through a threading machine rental, brings several advantages:

  • Precision and reliability: Professional machines provide consistent and accurate threading.
  • Efficiency: Saves time compared to manual threading, especially for large-scale projects.
  • Versatility: Capable of handling various pipe materials and sizes.

Renting a pipe threading machine can be a cost-effective solution for occasional large projects or when needing a specific type of threader temporarily.


Threading pipes effectively requires understanding the process, selecting the right equipment, and adhering to safety practices. With the steps outlined above, you can master the use of a pipe threading machine, ensuring durable and secure pi